How Physical Therapy Can Help with Degenerative Disc Disease

Physical Therapy Treatment in Virginia Apr20th 2024

Regular exercise can help reduce your pain and get you moving again

Have you recently been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and are now wondering which treatment options are available to you? Are you worried you’ll have to get painful back surgery at some point? At EzePhysical Therapy in VA, we offer several approaches to help you resolve the pain associated with degenerative disc disease–and maybe even help you avoid surgery.

Degenerative disc disease is fairly common. One study estimates that around 30% of people between the ages of 30 and 50 experience some degree of disc degeneration, even if they don’t necessarily notice symptoms. You also have various treatment options to help reduce pain and strengthen your lower back.

To get started with physical therapy for degenerative disc disease, request an appointment with EzePhysical Therapy in VA today!

Understanding degenerative disc disease

Firstly, it’s important to understand that degenerative disc disease isn’t technically a disease. Instead, the name refers to the degeneration of cushiony discs nestled between each of the vertebrae of your spine. These discs prevent the vertebrae from rubbing against each other and help your spine to bend and twist.

When these discs break down and dry out, usually due to the normal wear and tear of aging, you’ll experience pain and instability in the spine. Other symptoms of degenerative disc disease include the following:

  • Pain in the back and neck
  • Pain that radiates out to the extremities, such as the arms and shoulders, or to the hips and legs
  • Muscle spasms
  • A feeling of weakness in the spine or a sense that your back is about to “give out”
  • Increased pain when sitting or standing and decreased pain when lying down

Most people with degenerative disc disease can manage their symptoms with physical therapy and pain medication. Surgery is rare, and regular physical therapy can help you avoid it altogether.

Physical therapy for degenerative disc disease

The two primary goals of physical therapy for degenerative disc disease are to help you reduce pain and improve overall movement and functionality. At EzePhysical Therapy, we offer several treatment approaches to help you manage your degenerative disc disease symptoms.

To manage your pain, we might suggest the following treatment options:

  • Spinal manipulations
  • Hot and cold therapies
  • Traction
  • Electrotherapy

However, exercise is one of the best ways to manage degenerative disc disease. Regular exercise will not only reduce your pain but will help improve your overall function, too, especially by strengthening your core muscles.

When physical therapists say “core muscles,” they’re referring to the muscles that wrap around your torso–not only your abdominal muscles but also the muscles of your back, hips, and pelvis. These muscles support the spine, so the stronger they are, the better your spine functions.

However, we won’t just ask you to work on your core! Strengthening your whole body will help reduce strain from the spine, and stretching and mobility exercises can help improve your overall movement. Finally, gentle aerobic exercises, like walking or swimming, can help relieve pain and contribute to overall strengthening and mobility.

What to expect at your EzePhysical Therapy appointments

When you come into your initial session at our VA physical therapy clinic, we’ll start with a thorough physical examination. This exam will help us understand your symptoms, including how your degenerated disc disease may impair your movement.

Once we have a complete picture of your needs, our therapists will provide you with a customized treatment plan. Your plan will include stretching and strengthening exercises and any pain relief modalities to help prepare your body for exercise.

If you’re nervous about starting a new exercise program due to back pain, know that our therapists will be there with you every step! We’ll design the exercise plan around your needs, goals, and fitness levels. You’ll also be completing the exercises in our clinic, so our therapists can monitor your movements and ensure you’re doing them correctly in a way that won’t aggravate your pain or invite injury.

Request an appointment to begin treatment

Degenerative disc disease may be a normal part of aging, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with debilitating back or neck pain. Physical therapy at EzePhysical Therapy can help reduce your pain and get you moving again. Request an appointment at our VA physical therapy clinic to start your treatment today!


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